Urbanização Panorama Lote 2 nº 3, 3000-446 Coimbra

Is it time for you to become a pro and learn all about eyelashes?

Eyelash Lifting and Coloring is an essential training to beautify and improve a natural form of eyelashes. It is ideal for correcting the problems that are small or very light and weak. This method is simple and effective, being a good alternative to eyelash extensions, more accessible and with less time to perform. This course will have a strong practical component and the trainees will be practicing on real models.


It is intended that the trainees will be able to perform this service effectively and autonomously, learning in practice in order to apply to their businesses/projects, maximizing their results.


Course's Contents

- What is the lifting and eyelashes coloring

- Eye anatomy

- Eyelashes function, effects and the reasons that may cause their absence or scarcity

- Hygiene care

- Necessary materials

- Duration of the technique, step by step for its application, tips for selecting the correct bigudis and counterindications


Price Includes

- Certified Course

- 8 Hours Course

(Payment facilities to be agreed with Wiser Academy)


About Wiser Academy

Wiser Academy is a training entity certified by DGERT (General Directorate for Employment and Labor Relations). Following the motto 'To grow, professionals must be able to stimulate, experiment and practice - and that is what we propose in our training. We have a diversity of training offer in the areas of aesthetics, hairdressing, business, health and well-being.


Wiser Academy keeps up with the trends and news in the world of aesthetics, striving for professional excellence.


More Information

If you have anything else send us a whatsapp message on this issue link.


WOU contact: 918 136 805