Foot Massage in Lisbon

Partner: Nep-Thai


25 minutes - €25/session

50 minutes - €50/session

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Do you want to try the relaxation with Reflexology?
Reflexology is a therapeutic practice that can provide profound balance for your body and mind. This centuries-old technique is based on the idea that specific points on the feet and hands are interconnected with the entire body. By stimulating these points, Reflexology can unlock energy, relieve tension and promote health naturally.

Imagine yourself enjoying a Reflexology session in Lisbon, where the stress of everyday life disappears and tranquility takes its place. In addition to deep relaxation, Reflexology offers a series of surprising benefits. Not only does it relieve stress, it is also known to improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and promote restful sleep.

Book your session now and take the first step towards a healthier and more peaceful life.

Price Includes
- 25 or 50 minute massage

About Nep-Thai Therapeutic Massage Center
Therapeutic massage center, which brings together various oriental techniques with the aim of improving the quality of life for all its patients through the hands of its excellent oriental therapists.

More information
If you have any further questions, send us a WhatsApp message using this link

WOU Contact: 918 136 805